Naftali Bennett’s Epic Advice to Hezbollah

by Leah Rosenberg

Naftali Bennett is a straight shooter. He’s not going to beat around the bush when it comes to saying what will happen to Israel’s enemies.

Naftali Bennett’s Tip for Hezbollah Terrorists

Naftali Bennett said it well. It’s simple. Stop your terrorist acts if you want to live. If you care about your family, stop. If you don’t want to be targeted by Israel, just stop. Go do something else.

Of course, most, if not all, of these terrorists won’t stop. They don’t care about death. They praise death and think they go to heaven for their murderous ways. These radical Islamic terrorists want their children to go out and be killed. Life to them means nothing.

It’s absolutely insane that there are people out there – like AOC and others – who actually condemned Israel for carrying out a targeted killing of Hezbollah terrorists. How much more obvious can these antisemites be that they support blood-thirsty terrorists over the Jewish people? And why isn’t more of the world outraged by their sickening and twisted perspectives?

In the end, the Jewish people and Israel will prevail. All the Jew-haters will pay a price for their actions. And those who have stood by the Jewish people and Israel will be blessed.

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