Bennett’s Priceless Response When an ABC Reporter Asked About a Two-State Solution

by Phil Schneider

There are reporters and networks who have trouble realizing that the world has moved on from outdated ideas that have proved to be non-starters. One of these is the notion that the State of Israel should be split into two countries – the State of Israel and a State of Palestine. Successive Secretaries of State have repeated endlessly that the United States remains committed to a two-state solution to the conflict. This is wrong on so many levels – especially as the “two State” idea purports to offer a solution when instead it is a critical part of the problem.  

The core of the problem in the State of Israel between Arabs and Israelis is not a dispute over land. This is the most basic error that is repeated by those purporting to offer solutions. The dispute is about one issue – whether or not the State of Israel should exist. The Israelis – obviously – refuse to accept the notion that the Jewish people should not have a homeland. The Arabs in powerful positions who object to the existence of the State of Israel deeply believe that there should not be any country called Israel. That is the crux of the struggle for the State of Israel.

Well, if two sides are clearly not on the same page, perhaps the two state compromise still is the most logical solution? Isn’t compromise the best way forward? Sounds logical, but it is not. When one side refuses to even accept the very existence of the other side’s basic existence, the logal conclusion is not to compromise. One side needs to win. One side needs to lose. Sound unfair? Actually, it is the only fair solution. The side that needs to lose has the weakest of all claims on the Land of Israel and only wants to kill, destroy, and wreak havoc.  

What is necessary is for all those involved to recognize that from a historical, legal, financial, and military perspective, the only solution to issues in the State of Israel is a one-state solution – like Ambassador Friedman purports in his book. The Jewish State is built on the history of nearly 1,000 years of Jewish sovereignty in the Land of Israel, on the legal purchasing of massive amounts of Land by Jews over the last 150 years, and by the absolute necessity of the Jewish people to live in a country with defensible borders. We all know what the alternative is.  

All of these lead to one inevitable conclusion. Israel should never consider living in a country that has a 10-15 mile waistline. Israel should never give in to a nonentity that created a fake national identity in order to pressure Israel from a fake humanitarian angle. Arabs in Israel have a good life if they choose to not join the side of terror and darkness. The humanitarian issue is a self-created humanitarian issue with an open door to anyone who chooses to walk away. 

Most of all, Israel, nor any normal country, should never forfeit its sovereignty based on Western pressure. Israel is at the forefront of defending the Western world against the radical Muslim threat. Speaker of the House Mike Johnson understands this. Nikki Haley, Mike Pompeo, and Ron DeSantis understand this. Let’s hope that a 2nd Trump administration or whomever else leads the Wesern world will accept reality and stop insisting on non-solutions that don’t advance anything in the Middle East. One country for one people who should be in charge of their own land and safety with a minority that is respected as long as they stop trying to destroy their host country.  

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