The Most Important Lesson from the Horrendous Hebron Massacre of 1929

by Avi Abelow

The Hebron massacre of 1929 decimated the oldest Jewish community in the Holyland of Israel, which existed in Israel since Second Temple times 2,000+ years ago!

Local Muslims from Hebron just got up and assisted in massacring their Jewish neighbors and friends, whom they lived peacefully with for generations.

This makes no sense to the rational mind. How can friends and neighbors do that to one another?

On the other hand, there were some Muslims who saved the lives of their Jewish neighbors who hid in their homes.

On the one hand these two phenomena make no sense. Until one understands the tribal culture of the Middle East. The Middle East is not Kansas. And peace will never be acheived so long as rational Western minds believe that their Western concepts can be applied in the totally different culture here in the Middle East.

The key to a peaceful future is understanding the actions Hebron’s Muslims during the horrific massacre of their Jewish friends and neighbors in Hebron back in 1929.

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