The most beautiful way to welcome the Shabbat Queen

by Abi

Shabbat is the holiest day of the week and so Jews all over the world enter into this spiritual time with song. This beautiful rendition of one of the prayers, lecha dodi, will awaken your soul.

Lecha Dodi

Lecha Dodi is a powerful spiritually uplifting prayer sang across the world’s synagogues and homes to welcome the arrival of Shabbat. It traditionally accompanies the physical and mental transition from the mundane routine of regular life to a place of calm gratitude and relaxation. The Sabbath day is a literal rest from all worries and stresses that plague our modern lives. As life has become increasingly lacking in time for personal reflection the relevance of this song has an even more powerful and significant message today.

The Composers

Dovid Listhaus, an American singer and Refoel Reyfer from France, have infused an international collaborative feel to their beautiful version of “Lecha Dodi.” Their culturally diverse backgrounds enhance this version of such an ancient prayer. The intertwining of their voices will send shivers through your body as the significance of this collaboration can be felt in every note that they sing in perfect harmony. The mutual bond and love for their Jewish faith is palpable and a charming illustration of how the global Jewish world continues to flourish and grow. This track can create something so special that it brings Jews from around the world together in a joint appreciation for a modern version of such a symbolic prayer. This collaboration has a far-reaching impact beyond their own American and French audiences.

There is a special something that occurs when Jewish people collaborate across the globe with spiritual growth at their core; this song is a celebration of that bond. This is an inspirational piece with a delicate balance between the two cultures that dares to go deeper and beyond the surface.

This track acknowledges the differences while celebrating the joint passion for Judaism and the hugely significant role that the Sabbat holds for Jewish people from all over the world. Shabbat Shalom to everyone wherever you may be.

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