The Media is Using This Tactic to Hide the Real Disasters Facing America

by Leah Rosenberg

For the last few decades, the media has not been anything close to objective. It’s true that some broadcasters had biases back in the 50’s and 60’s, but they at least knew how to hide it and gave off the aura of objectivity. In today’s day and age, this has largely been tossed. Nearly every network hires anchors based on their beliefs and not based on the quality of their reporting. Yes, the media landscape has gotten worse over time – not better.

The distrust of the media has grown in recent years due to the press coverage during the coronavirus pandemic. On an issue that was clearly not black and white, the press took a clear side – the side that was against Donald Trump. If Donald Trump said something about coronavirus, it had to be wrong. So, even if it meant that potential controversial treatments needed to be ridiculed as Trump-touted treatments, and dismissed as ineffective – that was fine. Never mind how many people could have been helped. The main thing was to discredit Donald Trump in an election year.

That is just one of many examples that has led to the press becoming discredited in the minds of so many. Documentary type shows such as 60 minutes have become rare, and largely not on TV and cable channels. But that is exactly what is needed. The more that investigative reporting becomes the exception and not the rule, the more people will lose trust of the media.

We need a reset. A total reset in order to restore the trust of the masses in news reporting.

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