Vaccine mandates are a massive red line that a vast majority of United States citizens know is simply wrong. The pandemic has brought so many people into a level of deep concern for their own health and the health of their loved ones.
The long-hoped for vaccine has certainly calmed many people’s nerves, even if it is only a partial and perhaps temporary solution. However, a significant amount of people in the USA and abroad have been hesitant to take the vaccination route. This has led many, perhaps the vast majority of health professionals, into an attitude of full-court press against those who refuse to be vaccinated. But this has boomeranged and led to an uptick in vaccine hesitancy. As the positive effects of the vaccine tend to wear off and seem to not provide more than a temporary respite, more people are asking questions about the net positive impact of the vaccines.
But in the recent months, vaccines have been encouraged to the younger population too – 5- 11 year olds are also being encouraged to vaccinate by many health professionals. This has placed more health professionals in a bind. There are less doctors today who support vaccinating children than there are doctors who support vaccinating adults and the elderly population.
But the straw that broke the back for many people is the idea of forcing vaccinations on people. Even those who support vaccinations for children, adults, and the elderly, are not necessarily in favor of forcing the vaccinations on anyone. Joe Biden and Dr. Fauci clearly have made it their policy to force – either gently or not-so-gently – people to vaccinate. This issue goes to the very heart of the freedom that the United States was founded on.
In 2022, the struggling economy and vaccine mandates will probably be the two issues that will lead to a massive wave of Republicans being elected into the House and Senate. The movement will include some sort of a name like “Freedom” or “Liberty,” and will sweep the progressive, and quite forceful policies of the Biden administration out of the lives and bodies of Americans.
There are solutions to the pandemic that include vaccination, treatments, aggressive testing in schools, some level of herd immunity, border control, and more. But forcing people to pull up their shirts will not happen in the United States of America without a total revolution. That will not happen because Americans have the right to bear arms. Thank you to the founders of the Constitution of the United States of America.