The Jewish Pro Baseball Player Who Became a CIA Spy

by Leah Rosenberg

Being a Jewish pro baseball player is definitely not the norm. Mix that with a becoming a CIA spy and you have Moe Berg.

How a Jewish Pro Baseball Player Became a Spy in the CIA

It is cool to hear about any Jewish pro baseball player. But then when you learn about Moe Berg, it is even cooler. He was definitely one of the most unique people. Despite the fact that he might not have felt he deserved any award and praise for his accomplishments, he definitely made a difference. Moe Berg’s skills and intelligence were truly special. It makes sense that the CIA (formerly the OSS) wanted Berg to be a spy for them. How could they ignore such an opportunity?

Trying to stop the Nazis from getting a nuclear weapon probably had even more significance for Moe Berg being that he was Jewish.

Although Berg was not a practicing Jew, it’s interesting that he wanted to go to Israel after the modern state was created. As a Jew, he clearly understood there was something important about the Jewish homeland even if he was not fully aware of how significant it really is. There was something in him that felt he needed to go.

Once a Jew, always a Jew. Hiding our identity has never helped anyone and it never will. Be proud, be strong, and remember your Jewish roots. And never forget that the only place a Jew can really call home is the land of Israel.

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