The Jewish Identity Journey From Intermarriage to Studying Torah

by Avi Abelow

If the topic of Jewish identity, especially in the USA, is important to you, then you can’t miss this fabulous interview with Becky Bordo. Becky and I had an amazing shmooze that touched upon many of the touch points of Jewish identity today in North America. And it all started with Becky’s personal journey, that she is still enjoying and documenting in a movie called “American Birthright”. Becky’s journey began after her sister intermarried which led Becky to try to better understand the importance of identity, specifically her Jewish identity. Personally, it was a real joy to have this conversation with Becky and I look forward to more, because there is so much to talk about and so much for others to learn from.

American Birthright Trailer

Becky likes to say that “what started as a cross-country road trip through America, turned into a soul trek for truth in the Holy Land.” Watch her movie trailer below and enjoy her journey!

You can help her finish the movie production by clicking here and partnering with her on the crowdfunding campaign.

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