This classic satire ad will go down as one of the most effective free-speech ads in the history of modern attempts to take away free speech. The attack by woke progressives on free speech is a very real threat and perhaps the best of all proofs that what is driving the woke progressives are not American western values, but the values of totalitarian countries that control all information and the lives of their citizenry.
Kamala Harris has never been a popular Vice President, nor a very successful candidate for President – until now. What has changed? What has changed is that the entire Democrat Party leadership has unified around her when they panicked and realized that Donald Trump was extremely close to being elected for a 2nd term – following the disastrous debate with President Biden.
The most powerful people in the Democrat Party are the associates and supporters of Barack Obama. He is almost certainly the main person calling the shots for Joe Biden, and he almost certainly is the one who pulled the plug on the Biden reelection campaign and ordered the tweet. It was always an option to parachute in a last-minute Kamala Harris candidacy. The less time for her to campaign, the better it would be for her. She clearly could not run on her record or on her grasp of the issues. Both of these are glaring weaknesses.
But she could walk and talk in a sort of Presidential manner, and speak in generalities while portraying herself as the candidate of change. And she is actually doing quite a good job of fooling many people – especially those who view Donald Trump’s candidacy as a no-go. Ultimately, many though are starting to realize that Kamala Harris truly has very little to offer that is positive and alot to offer that is negative. Her policies would mirror the policies of Gavin Newsom in California and lead to further havoc and deterioration in inner cities while weakening the American footprint on the world scene.
It was probably this realization that led to the downfall of the Harris campaign and the victory of Donald Trump in the election.