The Election Fiasco is Bad News for US Jews and All Americans

by Avi Abelow

Before the elections, I posted that the Democrats would play funny games with the elections to stop Trump from winning. I also posted that regardless of who wins, Trump or Biden, it would create a dangerous atmosphere for all Americans, especially for Jews, who will get hit by the growing anger and hatred of extremists on both left and right.

I sadly still stand by those comments, today, even though I wish I could say that I was wrong.

Disagree with me all you want about my concerns about the election integrity and my thoughts on President Trump. I just want my fellow Jews to wake up and start thinking about moving home, and I have been consistent in bringing up these concerns even before the election madness began. As always, I want you to come home for the sole purpose to come home, but now reality is giving another reason.

Praying for America, Israel and the whole freedom-loving world.

Most of all, praying for civility between family and friends, regardless of the heated arguments. Each side has a narrative that believes the other side is the “danger”. Save your anger for the “danger”, don’t take it out on your family and friends just because you vehemently disagree. It is not worth it. Focus on the 90% you agree on. NOT, the 10% you disagree on. We are blessed to have family and friends. Don’t throw away those blessings. Believe me, I have lost plenty of friends due to my thoughts on the election. It really makes me sad. It is not worth it. Just ignore the posts and conversations that will raise your blood pressure. Don’t throw away a relationship that is worth so much more.

And finally, be thankful to the one above for everything, regardless of how bleak things feel.

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