Any typical American Jewish girl thinks about their career when they are in college. Or they think about other ideas that most teenagers think about. This girl thought about her nation – and she did something about it. Something big.
An American Jewish girl is probably the last kind of person that one would ever think of as a militant. Neither is this girl. She is normal and smart. But, the difference between this girl and others with passion for her ideals is that she takes action on her convictions. She enlisted in the Israeli Army. This is a totally voluntary action, and she did this despite alot of peer pressure.
Why enlist?
If one would ask 100 people who enlist in Israel, why they signed up for the Army, most would say – “it’s the law – I was drafted. We have no choice.” What sets apart all of the volunteers who joini the Israeli Army from others is that they do have a choice.
For most of the volunteers, the main drive is their understanding of modern Jewish History. They understand that without the modern State of Israel, the Jewish people do not have any real insurance in this world. And without the IDF, the Jewish people in Israel and around the world have no insurance either.
The IDF is the fulfillment of the dreams of many generations of the Jewish people and is the best sign that the Jewish people in Israel are the fulfillment of the prophecies of the Bible for a wonderful future in the Land of Israel.