New data shows that “vaccine”injections against coronavirus don’t seem to work well against “Omicron.”
Data from a national Danish study clearly shows that within a short time the “vaccines” whether they are Moderna or Pfizer not only do not have an effectiveness against “Omicron,” but by 90 days they actually have a negative effect and cause the receiver of the injection to be more likely to catch the latest coronavirus “variant.”
So what’s going on?
The studies show an alarming rate of immune system destruction by those who received the shot. Most agree that the “Omicron variant” appears nothing more than a common cold. If so, then why are governments around the world pushing more and more boosters for something that is not close to being dangerous?
The answer rests in Big Pharma’s insatiable desire for more and more money and control over our medical decisions. After all, if the masses can be scared into eradicating their immune systems and thus hooked on a continual stream of boosters for life, then Big Pharma with the help of the political class will have an infinite flow of capital to feed their bellies.
Although the masses may be like sheep, even they are beginning to see that not everything makes sense. For example, a majority of Israelis are not considered “vaccinated”due to the fact that they have not received all three injections. Across the world, more and more people are questioning the benefit of the political class’s control of medical policy.
This of course means that the political class, who owe their power to the corporate and financial elite will only get more and more fascist in their mandates and edicts. Be prepared, the main power grab is upon us.