There are some things in life that are truly unique and spectacular. This Israeli photographer captured some of those moments.
Israeli Photographer Captures Remarkable Wildlife Moments on Camera
There is just something so spectacular about what Israeli Photographer Tzahi Finkelstein got on camera. There is a reason he was awarded for his work. You do not even have to be a wildlife lover or nature lover to be in awe of these photos. How can someone not appreciate these photos? These are real moments! They almost look staged, but they are most definitely not. The moments captured in Finkelstein’s work actually happen in wildlife.
The thing about photography is that it captures things that would sometimes otherwise be overlooked. It makes a moment standstill forever. It is not that Tzhai Finkelstein captured moments that have never happened in nature before. That’s not what makes the photos so amazing. These images of wildlife are special because it is extremely difficult and unique to actually capture those specific moments in wildlife. It takes patience and talent.
These photos are a reminder of the magic that exists in this world. These pictures remind us to pause; to take a step back and notice what is right in front of us. There is so much beauty. G-d created a world of remarkable things, and sometimes, we just have to pay more attention. Whether it is to nature, our loved ones, or messages that G-d puts in this world for us to see, we all need to open our eyes a little more and capture our own moments so that they can stay with us forever.