This man is a Pakistani Zionist. Why? Because he gets it. He knows the truth and knows that the Jewish people belong in their homeland.
A Pakistani Zionist
It is always unique to listen to a Pakistani who is a Zionist speak. It is not common to have those two words next to each other: Pakistani Zionist. Or at least it’s not PUBLICLY common. Because as Noor Dahri said, even though there might be those in Pakistan who support him, they do not do so publicly.
Isn’t that a sad reality? Why should Muslims who support Israel have to fear for their lives if they admit out loud that Israel really isn’t bad? That Israel really does belong to the Jewish people. Why should they have to fear speaking the truth? Yes, there are many brave Muslims who are willing to risk it all to speak up. But many are afraid.
Israel is a democratic and free country. Its population is diverse. Shouldn’t everyone support a place like that? Shouldn’t everyone be a Zionist? Many people are uneducated and misunderstand. Many do not know history. But some people just hate Jews and hate the Jewish state. For those people, they don’t care about the truth. You can’t convince them of anything unless they change their hatred.
But for others, maybe they will see Noor Dahri and hear him speak. Maybe he will show them the truth, and they will consider reevaluating what they previously believed about Israel. You never know the difference you can make by sharing the truth.