Iran and China have worked together on the deal that is emerging today for around 4 years. The big shift in US policy happened back when President Obama made what some call a “good deal” with Iran. Those who speak positively about the deal with Iran are like the people who claimed that Neville Chamberlain made a “good deal” with Hitler in the year before World War II.
The real core issue is whether or not you can negotiate with dictators like the Iranian Ayatollahs. The people who say that we need to negotiate with ruthless dictators have not learned this basic lesson from World War II – the only thing that ruthless dictators understand is force – nothing else. What John F. Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson, Richard Nixon and successive administrations understood is that Cuba simply cannot be allowed to have dangerous weapons right next to the United States mainland.
By the time Barack Obama was elected, Cuba was a poor Communist country that had no money nor ability to build up their weapons and pose a threat to the United States. Israel is not far away from Iran at all, and countries bordering Israel like Lebanon are filled with Iranian-funded missiles. The key in dealing with Iran is to dry them up economically and intimidate them in order to bring them to their knees. That is what is happening now with the Trump policy against Iran.
It would be a horrible mistake if Iran is reengaged. They need to be dried up like Cuba was and terrorism will wane in the Middle East. When China decides to engage Iran, this is a world-wide threat. The next few decades may very well find the world confronting the Chinese Iranian threat more than any other threat.