Reports are coming in that the fifth Gazan has been killed as a result of yesterday’s violent riots on the Gaza border. This fifth terrorist killed was only 13 years old, raised to be sent to the front lines by a genocidal society called “
The following video is just one of many showing these young kids being used in the Gaza border violence and then being shot by the IDF. It is not necessarily the 13 year old terrorist reported to have died from his wounds.
The children of Gaza deserve the right to a future without violence. #StopHamas
— Israel Defense Forces (@IDF) March 30, 2019
Happening right now in Gaza. Innocent children deliberately brought into a riot zone by Hamas Muslim Brotherhood. Ambulances are ready and TV cameras are set up to record injuries and worse.
— Avi Kaner (@AviKaner) March 30, 2019
This is pure unadulterated child abuse. This is the reality that the world chooses to ignore. #Gaza‘s children are being raised in a culture of pure hatred by a vile terrorist group. PLEASE RT
— Likud Herut UK (@LikudUK) March 31, 2019
#StopHamas #ChildAbuse @UNHumanRights @UN @UN_HRC @WarOnWant @amnesty @IsraelinUN
“Massacres in Gaza”?
— Kay Wilson (@kishkushkay) March 31, 2019
You should be ashamed of yourself for spreading heinous lies.
Grow up, stop seeking attention like a 5-year old. It’s very unbecoming.
Oh, go ahead and block me too. @ArielElyseGold
This Tweet Says it All
Many years ago Golda Meir made the following timeless quote.
— SussexFriendsIsrael (@SussexFriends) March 30, 2019
This picture from today’s ‘Gaza Protests’ prove it is as relevant today (if not more so) then it was all those years ago:
“Peace will come when the Arabs will love their children more than they hate ours”