Roger Waters praises Al-Jazeera for giving him a platform to be antisemitic

by Leah Rosenberg

Roger Waters has gone completely mad. Not only is he a total antisemite, but his thoughts are just foolish and irrational.

Roger Waters Thanks Terrorists

There are a lot of things wrong with what Roger Waters said in this “interview.” But at the end, he thanks Al-Jazeera for giving him a platform to share his beliefs.

With all due respect, Mr. Waters, do you wonder why they are the only ones, along with RT, to do so? Waters is thanking a terrorist news station for allowing him to share his antisemitic opinions and conspiracy theories. And the fact that he speaks about Jeremy Corbyn the way he does and supports him shows a lot about Corbyn’s antisemitism as well.

Each time Waters opens his mouth, something more and more shocking comes out.

Antisemitism in all Forms

Antisemitism is not just in America. It is not just in Arab countries. And it is not just in Europe. Antisemitism is all over the world.

Hating the Jews is not only shown with physical actions and with physically harming them. As Roger Waters has shown time and time again, antisemites can exhibit some of the worst antisemitism with their words.

We are in 2020. The same antisemitic tropes that were used over the decades are still being used. Jews are still being blamed for everything under the sun.

There is so much access to the news and social media nowadays that it is frightening how fast ideas can spread. It takes one click to post, like, and share a hateful comment or tweet.

Let’s all do whatever small part we can in stopping the antisemitism that Waters and others so readily spread.

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