Powerful: Douglas Murray Nailed it on Israel’s Youth in Must-Watch Clip

by Leah Rosenberg

Israel’s youth is not like other younger generations around the world. These young Israelis are unique. You gotta hear what Murray says here.

Praising Israel’s Youth

The youth throughout the world are doing different things than what Israel’s youth has to do. The youth in Israel are defending their country proudly in the IDF. They have put aside everything to represent their nation and protect their fellow Jews.

Yes, there is a mandatory military service in Israel. But you must hear the way these Israelis go to defend their people. They do it with pride. 18, 19, and 20 Year olds in the U.S. and Britain are not doing what Israel’s youth is doing. Israelis know how precious life is. They know what is at stake. Sadly, many have lost loved ones throughout various wars and terror attacks. Everyone in Israel either knows someone personally or in the chance they don’t, they know someone who knows someone. No one is so far removed.

In Israel, everyone feels connected. We all feel like it is our children and our family members going out to fight. Often it is. We all pray for them and do acts of kindness in their merit.

May G-d grant the youth of Israel continued strength, determination, and protection in their defense of the Jewish people!

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