Police Take Down Attacker Outside Kosher Supermarket in NJ

by Gavriel Dan

Anti-Semitism in the United States continues to grow with new incidents occurring. A close call happened recently when an attacker was caught outside a kosher supermarket in Lakewood, NJ.

Lakewood police took down an attacker outside a kosher supermarket. He was armed with a knife and three guns. There have been countless attacks against Jews in the tri-state area and beyond. The most heinous has been the now infamous machete attack against a group of Chassidic Jews in Monsey, NY.

In an attempt to put an end to these attacks, a solidarity march was held in NYC yesterday. 25,000 participants, Jews and non-Jews marched over the Brooklyn Bridge.

“Today we do not simply walk over a bridge, we begin building better bridges between all denominations of Jews, and between Jews and non-Jews,” said Eric S. Goldstein, CEO of UJA-Federation of New York. “Building bridges means putting aside our differences, religious and political, and calling out anti-Semitism and all forms of hate wherever we see it. The purpose of today’s march is to loudly and publicly proclaim that an attack on a visibly Orthodox Jew is an attack on every Jew, an attack on every New Yorker, and an attack on every person of good will.”

While the march signified a powerful moment in Jewish-American history, the fact that inidents do not seem to be calming down indicated the issue is deeply rooted in part of the American psyche that has been fed hate and propoganda with ease by way of the Internet.

The challenge with the attacks is that the attackers come from all backgrounds and yet always have the same target – Jews, especially orthodox Jews whose appearence makes them stand out.

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