“Palestinian” Woman Makes Video Exposing the Crimes of Her Own People

by Leah Rosenberg

Now THIS former “Palestinian” woman is a courageous hero! She didn’t hold back here at all from exposing the truth about her own.

“Palestinian” Woman Tells the Truth

Wow. This is not a common video to be circulating the internet. She was raised as a “Palestinian” woman but mentions in the video that she is no longer a “Palestinian.” The truth makes sense to her. Everything she says in this video exposes what the “Palestinian” culture is about.

This woman exposes what Ramadan is all about. And what about all the violence that has taken place in Al-Aqsa mosque? She reveals the truth about that as well.

She reveals the child abuse that takes place in the culture she grew up in.

And she doesn’t stop there. She shows how Israel is a peaceful and open democracy. This former “Palestinian” woman definitely knows her facts.

How often do we find a woman making a video like this on the internet? The media is filled with propaganda against Israel. With all the hate going on and all the lies that are being spread about Israel, we need to do our part to spread the truth. And if she can do it, so can we.

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