Palestinian Arab women prefer wounded terrorists over jobless college grads

by Avi Abelow

Isn’t that just lovely. Palestinian Arab women would apparently rather a wounded terrorist who receives a lifetime PA salary than a jobless college grad.

Palestinian Arab Women Value…

Definitely not what Israeli women value. This is such an appalling video. On official PA TV, Palestinian Arab women talk about what women in their culture want. And what is it they want? Terrorists who get a lifetime salary from the PA for killing or injuring innocent Jewish men, women, and children. They would rather that than a university graduate who does not have a job. Because with a wounded terrorist, they will be supported forever! And how will they be supported by a jobless college graduate?

Just sickening.

The Different Values

In Israel, people do not value criminals. They do not value murderers. No one wants to be supported by a terrorist. This is just another difference between Israelis and Palestinian Arabs. And these differences say it all. They say everything you need to know about if the Palestinian Arabs want peace. They say everything you need to know about how the Palestinian Arabs view the Jewish people.

Who in their right mind would side with a people who value terrorism like this?

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