PA TV quiz program promotes disturbing terror song

by Avi Abelow

The official PA TV station is truly horrifying. They promote violence and murder. And they specifically do it during children’s programming!

Indoctrination on PA TV

Where is the ICC condemning this and trying the Palestinian Authority for promoting murder and violence? Where is the outcry of the UN for the fact that PA TV indoctrinates children with pro-terror songs and programming? Why doesn’t the international world care that “Palestinian” children are being brainwashed into becoming terrorists and murdering innocent Israeli men, women, and children?

It is truly disturbing that this type of TV programming is the norm for “Palestinians” of all ages to see. This specific program is a quiz program that is often shown during a children’s programming time slot. That is no coincidence. This is exactly how the PA wants it to be. And it should outrage every person who cares about human life and human rights. It should outrage everyone who cares about children.

Israeli TV does not promote murder and hate. They teach their children positive messages. If Israeli TV broadcasted shows teaching its children to murder “Palestinians,” the world would go wild – and rightfully so. But Israel does not do such disturbing things. The Palestinian Authority does. Why isn’t the world protesting?

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