Oxford Has Tried To Ban This Speech by the Son of a Hamas Leader, Mosab Hassan Yousef

by Phil Schneider

The “son of Hamas” is the worst nightmare of the anti-Israel pro-Arab population. Yousef was born into a Hamas family, grew up and was educated on pure hatred of the Jewish people, and knows firsthand that there is nothing that can be done to “reason” with terrorists. They must be weakened, demilitarized, or they will do anything they can to kill Jews.

The guts that this man has are truly amazing. Nearly nobody like him would be willing to stand up and confront the lies that emanate from all of those who think that there is some way to live peacefully with terrorists. Yousef looks at all of those intellectuals who claim that they understand the true nature of his relatives better than he does and turns their arguments into mincemeat. 

He is an Arab that understands that the best hope for a young Arab boy in Ramallah for upward mobility, lifespan that is more than 40 years old, and a life that is not predicated on terrorism is a strong State of Israel. He knows that Arabs where he grew up don’t want a State – they want to destroy the Jewish State.

In truth, Arab leaders say out loud exactly what he is saying – but they generally say it in Arabic.  

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