New Nuke Deal, Prelude To War?

by Micha Gefen

Whether one wants to admit it or not, the new nuclear deal the West is trying to carve out with Iran will speed up the process leading to a new, much wider Middle East war.

Why is this the case?

With Iran careening close to nuclear breakout, any nuclear deal is essentially a Chamberlainesque PR move that does little in the way of stopping Iran’s nuclear weapons program and in fact will most likely give it a free path to attaining their goals. This fact alone is making Iran’s Sunni neighbors and Israel very anxious about the plans and intentions of the Western powers.

The nuclear deal, rather than being a catalyst for peace appears to be the actual trigger that will force Israel and its Sunni allies to launch a serious attack on Iran, thus forcing the radial Islamic republic to retaliate in a way no one has witnessed yet in the Middle East.

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