Must-See: What the Levites Are Doing to Prepare for the Third Temple

by Leah Rosenberg

This is really cool! The Levites are getting ready to perform one of their services in the holy Temple! Are you ready?

The Levites and the Holy Temple

The Levites had various jobs in the Temple. One of those jobs was singing. That just shows how central music and song is to serving G-d! In the holiest place, in G-d’s Temple, there was plenty of music in the air. To prepare for the third and final Temple, Levites today are practicing this special job of making the Temple beautiful with song.

Not every Jew knows what tribe he or she is from. But there are some Jews who do, including the Levites. They are from the tribe of Levi. It is remarkable that for thousands of years, the Levites ensured that their family members and future generations would know which tribe they are from.

Of course we cannot all prepare for the Temple to come in such a way. We are not all from the tribe of Levi. But we can all prepare in our own way. We can pray, we can improve ourselves, we can follow more of G-d’s commandments, and we can yearn for the rebuilding of the Temple. We can do acts of kindness and try to elevate the mundane into something more spiritual. We can all do our part to bring G-d into the world.

Every Jew is special and has his place. Every Jew has something unique to bring to the world. Let’s keep preparing for the holy Temple so that when the time comes for it to be rebuilt, we will be totally ready.

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