Muslim refugees in Germany destroy train station on New Year’s Eve

by Leah Rosenberg

New Year’s Eve is supposed to be a time to celebrate the New Year and New Year’s resolutions. But Muslim refugees ruined that in Germany.

Muslim Refugees on New Year’s Eve

Germany was hit hard on New Year’s Eve by Muslim refugees and their destruction. Violence on the trains, robberies, destroying the train station, and more. You almost do not want to believe it is true, but it is. And there are videos to prove it.

German citizens feel like they are becoming the minority in their own country! That says a lot about the culture that has taken over. And Germany is not the only country that has been hit by this issue. Many other citizens in other countries feel the same way. Europe has been affected badly. And only time will tell where else these refugees will go. What will each of these countries’ leaders do to make their citizens feel more at home in their own homes?

Shouts of “Allahu Akbar”

These refugees were screaming “Allahu Akbar” in the German train station. That is what terrorists scream before they murder. That gives a clear idea that these Muslim refugees in the train station are not peaceful. They are causing destruction and wreaking havoc. And it is enough!

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