What makes Mike Huckabee so refreshing is how he takes such strong stands without seeming like anything but a straight-talking friendly politician. Indeed, he is an older and experienced politician who is quite lovable. How can you not love a person who was a popular Governor who lost over 100 pounds and wrote a book about digging a grave with a knife and a fork?
Mike Huckabee, Marco Rubio, and perhaps others that will join the 2nd Trump administration, ran against Donald Trump for President. It’s quite impressive that Donald Trump and some of his opponents are not just working together but are actually very much in sync in terms of building the future of America.
Many people in America are not aware as to the extent of the American pressure that was brought to bear by the Biden administration on the State of Israel. Basically, it handcuffed Israel to the extent that Israel was forced to fight in a more dangerous manner. Even without the Trump administration taking over, it has already sent major shockwaves in the Middle East that are leading Lebanon to beg for a ceasefire and Iran to be in a state of nervousness about their future.
But within Israel, one of the most fascinating changes that may be on the horizon is the entire issue of Israel declaring sovereignty over large portions of Judea and Samaria. This will effectively put an end to outdated and wrong concept of two States to the west of the Jordan River. Mike Huckabee, Marco Rubio, and whomever else Donald Trump is surrounded by will have no problem with this. The ball is in the hands of Israel. Will Israel rise to the occasion?