These seemingly small acts are really major steps in peace. Look at the new representative office of the Israel Diamond exchange in Dubai!
Mezuza on Doorpost in Dubai Office
A Mezuza is a parchment with the holy prayer of Shema inscribed on it that is rolled up and placed on the doorposts of Jewish homes, buildings, and offices. It is customary to reach up and kiss the Mezuza before entering or exiting a room or building. The Mezuza reminds us that G-d is protecting us and is present everywhere we go. It reminds us of our faith. And now that Israel and the UAE have made peace, the Israel Diamond Exchange has made its way to Dubai. On the office door, it is only fitting to have a Mezuza hung up.
It is truly amazing to see. For someone who has no context and does not know where or what this is, they might not think it’s so amazing. But when you realize that this is a sign of the furthering of peace between two peoples, it is truly historic.
This Jewish object holds great significance in Judaism. It is just remarkable to witness it being placed on the doorpost in the new representative office of the Israel Diamond exchange.
The conversation between the Arab and the Jews is beautiful to listen to. It is respectful. It is short and sweet, and yet it conveys a message to the world about what is happening in the Middle East.
May the peace continue!