Marxist Globalists are subverting democracies worldwide

by Ezequiel Doiny

In the following article I describe the globalist’s strategy to impose Marxism in America.

But Marxists are not only trying to seize power in America, they want to impose a “Great Reset” worldwide. Since they can’t be democratically elected, Marxists have been corrupting democracies around the World by disrupting the electoral process.  Mexico, Brazil, Israel and the US are some examples.


On November 17, 2022 the Gateway Pundit reported “Civil War Looms in Brazil: Far-Left Supreme Court Wants to Axe Minister of Defense for Telling the Truth About Stolen Election”

On November 18, 2022 the Gateway Pundit reported “Pretty Much the Same Way” – Eduardo Bolsonaro Agrees the Brazilian Left Stole the Election Just Like they did in the US (VIDEO)

On November 16, 2022 the Gateway Pundit reported “Up to 500.000 Mexicans were out on the streets Sunday in 15 cities to protest far-left President López Obrador’s plan to eliminate the National Electoral Institute (INE) and state-based electoral authorities and possibly such safeguards as Voter ID.”


Deep State leftists who control the Central Elections Committee tried (but failed) to corrupt the elections in Israel. On November 7, 2022 Arutz 7 reported “The Likud Party claimed on Wednesday evening that Orly Ades, Director General of the Central Elections Committee, is preventing the representatives of the factions in the committee from supervising the counting of the so-called “double envelopes”, which contain votes of members of security forces, prisoners, hospital patients and staff, diplomats serving abroad, residents of senior citizen and assisted living facilities, and people who voted at polling stations for those with movement disabilities.  “In an unprecedented manner and contrary to the law, she ordered a rope to be deployed between the area where the envelopes are counted and the area in which the members of the Elections Committee who supervise the counters are located, in a way that does not allow them to supervise the counting process as required by their duties,” Likud claimed.”


Marxists stole key positions in the Senate and some governor positions to keep the majority in the Senate and guarantee certification of fraudulent votes in the next presidential elections so they can steal the elections again as in 2020.

On November 9, 2022 Jim Hoft wrote in the Gateway Pundit “Democrats Steal Midterms, Communism Comes Home to America… Crime, Inflation, Record Gas Prices, War, Open Borders and Corruption WIN BIG…Once again, Democrats proved they can survive anything as long as they have their fraud.”

On November 11, 2022 Wayne Allyn Root wrote “…the real proof the midterm was rigged and stolen is…FLORIDA.  In Florida the GOP won a landslide. DeSantis and Rubio and everyone else in the Florida GOP won in a red tsunami. The same one the polls showed was happening in the entire country.  Guess what Florida has? Florida has strict Voter ID, strict laws against voter fraud, severe prison terms for anyone caught trying to commit voter fraud, no mail-in ballots sent to every voter, no ballot drop boxes, no ballot harvesting, no ballots accepted for days after Election Day, no counting for days until the desired result is achieved by the Democrat Party.  Isn’t it a funny and strange coincidence that in that state, with all of those strict rules against cheating, the GOP red tsunami happened as predicted? But everywhere else, where there are no strict laws against voter fraud, and they allow all that cheating, the red tsunami fizzled…Folks, we’ve been robbed. Again. This was a repeat of 2020. They’ve fixed, rigged and stolen the election. First, they robbed us of the Presidency. Now they’ve robbed us of a red Republican landslide…” 

On November 10, 2022 Roger Stone wrote in the Gateway Pundit “I seriously feel like we are watching the first wholly manufactured election in our history, in which all of the key competitive races have had the results directly programmed by the cabal. The most crushing economic conditions, rampant crime, reckless foreign/nuclear war flirtations, and the most aggressive perverse assaults on family and parental rights in history,  all topped off by an embarrassing unpopular disaster in the White House leading a shrill, tin-eared bellicose fascist junta that appears indifferent to the ordeal they are inflicting on working people…and yet the Democrat monolith is barely dented.  Either the country has large states filled with brainwashed zealots who are too stupid and mindless to comprehend the reality of the collective damage they are ratifying with their votes for at best lackluster at worst appallingly deficient if not retarded candidates….or we are seeing direct black box voting manipulation at the level of final tabulations being perpetrated on a scale that renders typical ballot and voter fraud schemes unnecessary anachronisms as the decisive votes that have now kept the ruling junta largely intact, or at most just a hair from having an operating majority, are literal fabrications piled onto Democrat vote totals by a few keystrokes entered in some master election hacking operation run by IC criminals in league with and part of the Democrat Crime Syndicate.”

The Gateway Pundit denounced FRAUD in Multiple States:


On November 13, 2022 The Gateway Pundit reported “Maggie Hassan Wins 1,100 Votes from Town with Population Under 700”


On November 12, 2022 The Gateway Pundit reported “THE STEAL: It Happened Again – Votes from Third Party Candidate Disappear From Totals Hours After Being Reported”


On November 12, 2022 The Gateway Pundit reported “Poll Pads Caught Adding *Hundreds* of Voters in Real Time as Poll is Being Closed”

On November 12, 2022 The Gateway Pundit reported “Texas Gov. Abbott Calls For Investigation Into “Widespread Problems” with Harris County Elections – Including Insufficient Paper Ballots in Republican Precincts”


On November 12, 2022 The Gateway Pundit reported “On November 12, 2022 The Gateway Pundit reported “*Another* Poll Book Discrepancy Identified! This Time in Virginia’s Prince William” County (VIDEO)


On October 27, 2022 The Gateway Pundit reported “Ballots Discovered “Pre-Loaded” Inside Drop Box in Pennsylvania… Two Others Reportedly Also Had “Pre-Loaded” Ballots Inside the Boxes”

On November 11, 2022 The Gateway Pundit reported “Gregg Phillips Explains Why He and Catherine Engelbrecht Were Sent to Prison: “we have irrefutable evidence that the entire PA voter registration file is living on a server in China—serial numbers, ballot bundle numbers”

On November 16, 2022 The Gateway Pundit reported “PA Voters File Lawsuit to Delay Certification After Officials Detoured from Counting Center into a Closed Building for 6 Hours on Election Day…Plaintiffs Leah Hoopes, Gregory Stenstrom and Nicole Missino would like the certification stopped until a hearing at which they would present evidence that the county detoured the election-night journey of the county’s physical ballots and v-drives for six hours into a closed building — which poll watchers were prohibited from entering — before taking them to the centralized counting center at the Wharf Building in Chester.  Read that again.  Physical ballots and v-drives were reportedly taken to a closed building without observers present and kept there for six hours before being taken to the counting center. This would shatter the chain of custody along with breaking the law that the ballots go directly to the counting center.  The plaintiffs say they can further show the county mailed official ballots to unverified voters and deleted at least 2,778 records of requests for mail-in ballots.”


On November 7, 2022 the Gateway Pundit reported “WHAT’S GOING ON? New Mexico Secretary of State Site Shows 16 Million Registered Voters Drop Overnight”

On November 11, 2022 The Gateway Pundit reported “New Mexico Election Results Make No Sense – Numerous Instances of the Drop and Roll”


On November 11, 2022 The Gateway Pundit reported “This Is How Democracy Dies: Cameras Go Dark for 8 Hours in Washoe County, Nevada – And Now GOP Candidates Are Under Threat of Losing”

On November 11, 2022 The Gateway Pundit reported “Latest Ballot Dump in Nevada Puts Democrat 798 Votes Away from Taking Lead for First Time in Nevada Senate Race”


On November 10, 2022 The Gateway Pundit reported “The Drop and Roll” Hit GOP Rep. Lauren Boebert Too – Two Big Drops Put Dem Ahead in Race”

On November 10, 2022 The Gateway Pundit reported “What Luck!… Colorado Democrats Find Several Thousand More Ballots for Lauren Boebert’s Opponent”


On November 9, 2022 The Gateway Pundit reported “Thanks to Insane Ranked-Choice Voting, Sarah Palin Has Election Taken from Her Again”


On November 10, 2022 The Gateway Pundit reported “Unexplained Ballot Drop in GA Senate Race Likely Prevented Herschel Walker from Winning Race Outright – ‘Drop and Roll’ Pushed Race to Runoff”


On November 9, 2022 The Gateway Pundit reported “We Caught Them Again: TGP Catches Late-Night Operatives Moving Van-Loads of Suspicious Ballots Way After Legal Deadline in Detroit, Michigan”

On November 9, 2022 The Gateway Pundit reported “THEY DID IT AGAIN! Two Massive Unexplained Ballot Drops Gave Gretchen Whitmer the Lead in Michigan – They Ran a ‘Drop and Roll’ in Michigan Last Night”


On November 10, 2022 The Gateway Pundit reported “Unexplained Ballot Drops Occurred in the Minnesota Governor’s Race – Illicit ‘Drop and Roll’ Gave Democrat the Win”


On November 2, 2022 The Gateway Pundit reported “Arizona Judge Bans Cameras at Ballot Drop Boxes – The Fraudsters and Democrat Ballot Traffickers Will be Given Free Reign”

On November 9, 2022 The Gateway Pundit reported “Judge Rejects RNC Effort to Extend Voting Hours in Maricopa County, Arizona After Problems with Tabulators Lead to Long Lines”

On November 9, 2022 The Gateway Pundit reported “AZ State Representative-Elect Austin Smith In Victory Speech: “What Happened In Maricopa County Is CRIMINAL” – “Get Rid Of These STUPID Dominion Voting Machines”

On November 10, 2022 The Gateway Pundit reported “Maricopa County Now Admits That Over 30% Of Polling Locations Were Affected By Machine Failures, NOT 20% As Previously Stated – But They Want Us To Believe Only 17,000 Ballots Transported For Tabulation”

On November 12, 2022 The Gateway Pundit reported “Elections Clerk Says Uncounted Maricopa County Ballots From “Slot 3” Mixed In The SAME BAG As ALREADY COUNTED Ballots (VIDEO)”

On November 12, 2022 The Gateway Pundit reported “Arizona Ballots Make Stop at Runbeck Printing Company to Scan Ballot Envelopes Before They Are Sent to County — WITH NO OBSERVERS”

On November 12, 2022 The Gateway Pundit reported “They Stole the Election from Blake Masters – Do Election Over Again!” – President Trump Calls For New Election In Arizona”

On November 12, 2022 The Gateway Pundit reported “The Cause of Arizona’s Machine Tabulator Failure Identified – Ballots Larger than Printer Parameters – Willful Incompetence? The cause of Arizona’s massive 30% machine tabulator failure is identified.  This action disproportionately affected Republicans and assured delays in counting.” 

On November 12, 2022 The Gateway Pundit reported “Maricopa County Election Judge Believes the Machines Were Programmed to Reject Ballots on Election Day.”

On November 13, 2022 The Gateway Pundit reported “VIDEO MONTAGE: Dozens of Arizona Republican Voters Describe How Ballots Were Not Counted, Ballots Were Tossed in a Box, and People Were Not Allowed in to Vote (VIDEO)

On November 20, 2022 The Gateway Pundit reported “IMPOSSIBLE: Despite Only 17% Democrat Turnout on Election Day – Katie Hobbs and Democrats Are Winning Over 50% of Maricopa County Election Day Totals”Ariz. AG Takes Action – Ballots Reported in Black Duffle Bags – Officials Broke Election Laws – State Demands Names”

On November 20, 2022 The Gateway Pundit reported “RNC Had Roving Attorneys Quietly Monitoring Maricopa Voting Centers, One Has Finally Released His Damning Finds: Report”

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