Let’s Compare Covid Numbers: California Vs. Florida

by Avi Abelow

Florida vs. California. Similar numbers. Florida is an open state. California has been one of the most strict states with regards to lockdowns, masks etc.

Low vaccine numbers in both places.

Florida should have tremendously worse numbers, especially since it has such a higher percentage of elderly.

Interestingly, Florida focused on providing vaccines for the high-risk elderly population.

Where are the politicians and journalists in Israel questioning a year of lockdowns for all and the mandatory vaccine/green passport direction if it is actually neccesary? (Especially with the existence of existing medical treatments for people who do get sick, suppressed by the medical establishment and the media)

And more on Florida:

And a new global study on lockdowns:

RETRACTED ARTICLE: Stay-at-home policy is a case of exception fallacy: an internet-based ecological study

Since the beginning, I always questioned general lockdowns instead of focusing on protecting the high-risk populations yet allowing life to go on for the rest of the population.

And back to Israel…

Check out this eye-opening dynamic graph.

It shows deaths in Israel from COVID-19 escalated dramatically after the vaccination campaign begun after Dec. 28th.

Up until Dec. 28th the total number of deaths for all of 2020 was 3,256. In Jan, Feb and March 2021 the number jumped by 3,152. The 3 months after the vaccine campaign began is almost equal to all of 2020. Many people get sick with the virus within days of getting the first vaccine shot, possibly turning them into spreaders. Can that be connected?

Where are the experts asking about this anomaly? And researching the possible connection to the vaccine itself? Maybe there is no connection, but maybe there is. We won’t know if the information is ignored by the experts.

I’m just utterly confused and concerned that there is so much data and “science” that is being ignored by the experts who tell us they “know”. I’m sure they are all trying their best in order to save lives, but even the experts argue amongst themselves, with some making mistakes. At the same time we are supposed to trust the “experts” we are told to trust, who are not giving credence to the real world data that questions their advice about the lockdowns, mandatory vaccine and green passport direction.

It really is quite surprising and distressing that leaders, experts and journalists do not even entertain the anomalies to rethink the need of imposing drastic measures that are taking away citizens basic rights and freedoms of the masses. Again, protect the high-risk, but at the cost of taking away civil liberties of the masses?

Signed, a very concerned citizen of the world losing trust in the experts and politicians we are told we must believe.

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