Leftist Hatred for Netanyahu Major Catalyst for Countrywide Corona Lockdown

by Avi Abelow


Israel is now enforcing a three-week corona lockdown with schools closed and people forbidden from leaving their homes except for specific situations. Right now this is a huge hit to the country, not just to the economy, but because its holiday season when families get together for holiday meals. Yet, this year every family is eating alone. Grandparents are alone. Singles are eating alone. Each nuclear family is eating separately in their own home.

Instead of following the restrictions of the new lockdown, Once again, the leftists were out protesting the corona lockdown in the streets of Jerusalem.

Interestingly enough, these protestors are not actually protesting the corona lockdown, they are protesting Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. They believe their protests will create the public pressure to bring about his downfall. Their hatred of Netanyahu is so great that they don’t even care about the corona lockdown so they protest the lockdown as well.

The police can’t do anything to stop them because according to the justice system it is “permitted” to protest in the lockdown! Millions of Israelis saw the justice system allow these protestors break corona social distancing rules with no consequences for months, so many others started breaking corona social distancing rules as well. If protesting is allowed, then why shouldn’t other things be allowed? So masses of people, from various communities, stopped following the social-distancing rules.

Which brought us to the harsh situation of massive corona spreading necessitating a strict lockdown today.

You’d think anti-Netanyahu protestors, or at least the justice system would get the message. But no!

Here are anti-Netanyahu protestors having a communal Rosh Hashana holiday meal outside the Prime Minister’s house as part of their protest. No masks, no social distancing and no consequences.

Understand, the whole country is in lockdown without being able to get together to have family holiday meals, yet these protestors are having a communal meal, totally going against the lockdown rules and endangering the public.

The whole country is in a three week lockdown right now. Why? Basically, because the corona hospital wards are full, doctors and nurses in hospitals are getting sick and the government prefers to keep people at home and prevent large gatherings in order to slow down the rate of sick corona patients to not overload the countries hospitals.

Yet, anti-Netanyahu protestors don’t care. Why, because their hatred for Netanyahu knows no bounds. As you see and hear in this video, some of them are even using terminology of assassinating Netanyahu.

One can agree or disagree with the lockdown, but once it is decided upon, it has to be applied to the whole country, to everyone, regardless of politics.

And regarding the leftists’ hatred of Netanyahu, their protests won’t help. Just as the hatred of the anti-Trump crowd in America isn’t enough to get rid of Trump, so too the hatred of the anti-Bibi crowd in Israel isn’t enough to get rid of Netanyahu in Israel.

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