Learn Why Israeli Arabs Are Happy in the Holy Land

by Phil Schneider

Wait a second. Does this clip really show Israeli Arabs in the State of Israel who support Israel? You got it. That is exactly what a minority, but a significant number of Arabs in Israel truly believe. How can this be? Don’t they get treated horribly? Don’t they spend all day in checkpoints? Isn’t Israel an apartheid country? The answer is – No, No, and No. These are all lies propagated by today’s new version of anti-semites – the anti-Israel progressive lobby. The main place where these lies are spread is on college campuses. Let’s explore the subject a bit.

Israeli Arabs are not a monolithic group. They hail from Syria, Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and other Arab countries. Some of them have actually been in the area of the Land of Israel for a few generations, but they are clear minority. In the 19th century, there were very few Jews and very few Arabs in the Land of Israel. This was in the Turkish period which was not one of the more glamorous times in the Land of Israel. But by the turn of the 20th century, the return of the Jewish people to their ancestral homeland also brought along with it financial opportunities for Arabs in the rest of the Middle East. The Arabs in Syria and Egypt who wanted a better life traveled all the way to the Land of Israel in order to live a better life. That is how the Land of Israel went from a place with tens of thousands of Jews and Arabs to hundreds of thousands of Jews and Arabs in less than 50 years.

Today, Israeli Arabs have it good. From excellent medical care to excellent roads and an Israeli Army that keeps them safe from attack from foreign Arab countries, they have it better than their Arab brethren in other countries. They talk with them and they know it. That is why so many Arabs are not fleeing to other countries. They also want health and financial prosperity. Don’t believe the haters. Israel is the source of all that is good in the Middle East.

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