Jewish prayers held in Abu Dhabi Hotel in honor of first commercial flight from Israel

by Leah Rosenberg

What historic times we are living in leading up to the High Holidays. Jewish prayers at a hotel in Abu Dhabi with the blowing of the shofar? Amazing!

Jewish Prayers in Abu Dhabi Hotel

Can these Jewish prayers at the Hotel in Abu Dhabi be a sign of so much more? Is peace on the horizon?

These moments are truly remarkable. There is so much to celebrate with the first commercial flight from Israel to Abu Dhabi. This morning prayer service was held with the Israeli delegation as well as some local Jews. The peace agreement is historic. We may not be at the end goal yet, but we are definitely headed in the right direction.

Those who are upset by this agreement are people like the “Palestinian” leadership who loathe peace. And that is how you know this agreement is good.

The High Holidays are Coming

With the High Holidays quickly approaching, there is so much to be thankful for and also so much to ask for. Blowing the Shofar in Abu Dhabi is a reminder of how far we have come in the realm of peace but that we also must ask G-d that this year should bring even more peace.

We may be living in trying times, but we are also living in times with abundant blessings. We cannot forget the good or let it get washed away by the bad.

And the shofar being blown in Abu Dhabi is a reminder of the many blessings that G-d has graced the world with. May this year bring only blessing for the entire world!

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