Jerusalem, We Have a Huge Arab-Muslim Problem

by Avi Abelow


IDF security officials are in shock after realizing that Gazan workers, who have permission to work in Israel, acted as spies for the Hamas.

They are still in shock that Hamas had detailed understanding of the insides of secret IDF bases, while it is known that the army sometimes use Israeli Arab contractors for some of the building in IDF bases! That’s why I’m not in shock!

This reflects the utter insanity of a progressive-minded security/political establishment that ignores and misunderstands the culture of the Arab Muslim Middle East that envelopes us.

For years, Israeli security officials and politicians think that “if only” the economic situation of the Arabs is good that we can have peace. Wrong. Their ideological desire to massacre us is greater than their desire to earn a decent living to provide for their families.

Is this for all Arab Muslims in our midst? Not necessarily. But it’s a cultural thing that impacts many, if not most of them – Arab Muslims in Gaza, Judea & Samaria and Israeli citizens!

That is why I believe it is suicidal for Israel to flood our medical schools, hospitals, pharmacies, , truck drivers, bus company drivers etc. with Arab workers. They are a fifth column waiting for the moment to kill us all.

This recent massacre of innocent Jews, being celebrated by Arab Muslims around the world together with many Western “progressives”, must change the way Israeli society looks at the Israeli Arab Muslims in our midst, all of them! They are a fifth column. It’s not just Hamas and it’s not just the Arab Muslims in Gaza. It is the whole Arab Muslim community in our midst – Gaza, Judea, Samaria and Israeli citizens.

Step 1: FORBID ANY GAZANS, as well as JUDEA & SAMARIA ARABS FROM ENTERING ISRAEL FOR JOBS. If their own leaders prefer to use international aid to pay terrorists instead of investing in economic development, then it is NOT Israel’s responsibility to employ them. Period!!!

Step 2: END The affirmative action for Israeli Arab Muslims in Israeli universities and medical students that is flooding our society with Jew-hating Arab Muslims instead of more qualified Israeli Jews. instead, institute loyalty tests and strict punishments for having any connection or voicing of support for our enemies.

And, no, this post is not racist, it is realistic and needed for the self-preservation of Israeli Jews to enjoy our right to live!

In other words:

What do we Jews have to do in order to survive as a Jewish state in the Middle East?

Step #1: We will fight to the end and liberate Gaza from the Arab Muslim #palestinazis.

Step #2: We will fight to the end and liberate Judea & Samaria from the Arab Muslim #palestinazis.

Step #3: We will ensure that only peaceful Arab Muslims remain citizens of Israel and no #palestinazis

How long will this process take? I don’t know. But step #1 has already begun!!! Even if this war does not solve step #1, it has already changed the mindset of many Israelis to continue until the step is fulfilled.

Am Yisrael Chai!!! We will beat our enemies and overcome our internal obstacles to achieving these steps.

Justice is on the side of the Jewish people living in our ancestral homeland and so is the almighty above!!!

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