It’s Not a Military Coup it’s a Rebellion of the Elites

by Avi Abelow

With each day, the establishment media keeps on misreporting the protest movement taking place in Israel. First of all, they are reporting that the protest movement as a grassroots movement. It is not grassroots at all, but massively funded by major elites of Israeli society together with other actors, and heavily pushed and supported by the establishment media in Israel and the Jewish establishment. Hence, masses have been brainwashed to think that they are “saving Israeli democracy” by protesting, because that is what they are being told 24/7 by the establishment media.

The following is an English translation to a Hebrew facebook post with a fascinating analysis on what is really going on in Israel today…

What is happening is not a military coup but rather a rebellion of the elites. This is an incredible historical phenomenon that is taking place in Israel that has no equal in the history of the world.

This rebellion cannot be defined or characterized according to the existing patterns of coups in other countries. All the powerful bodies in the country, which have the ability to paralyze the army, paralyze the security services, paralyze the economy, simply give the state an extortionate ultimatum, a kind of criminal protection. Hundreds of thousands join this rebellion, with a fervor that has no equal in the history of Israel. It is obvious to them that they are in a kind of mass hypnosis, mind engineering, which is required to mentally recruit hundreds of thousands, the army of useful idiots in Lenin’s words, which is driven by mass hypnosis and brainwashing that deprives them of all logic and any realistic perception of reality. It is a well-known technique used by all dictators, but with a new target that even Orwell never dreamed of – Having people actively destroy democracy, while using their own mouths utter slogans and campaigns that praise democracy. And they really believe that their actions line up with the false mantras they utter.

The elite of the country, and all those who want have joined them, are taking part in a massive rebellion in the streets, using unfounded reasoning, that the masses enthusiastically are going along with.

What is the motive for this rebellion of the elites? A rebellion that has been not only been joined by hundreds of thousands in the streets, but also joined by members of the security forces, including the Shin Bet and intelligence, senior pilots and commanders of the corps. Also joined by the Histadrut, the senior workers’ union, whose power is enormous by virtue of their ability to paralyze the economy of the state. All people close to the plate of wealth.

The fundamental and deep motive is the increasingly realistic fear that, due to demographics, they will never be able to win another election.

Democracy no longer suits them. Therefore as they virtue signal, praising democracy on their lips, their goal is to establish here what they call a “substantial democracy”, which in other words, really means an oligarchic rule of the country run by the elites – the Supreme Court judges, the hostile Attorney General’s office and the rest of the power elites. All while completely neutralizing the power of representative democracy, and turning the Knesset and the government into a kind of parliament and government like in a monarchical regime, like in the Kingdom of Jordan for example, where elections exist for a parliament and a government, but the one who actually makes decisions is the king and those close to him. The parliament and the elections in Jordan are only a facade on the outside, by the way, also similar to what happened in the popular democracies in the Soviet bloc.

Because of Justice Minister Yariv Levin‘s judicial reform, which is about rebalancing the balance of power and returning power taken by the justice system back to the government and the Knesset, in essence returning the power to the representative democracy, Israel’s elites, with privileges in society, are about to lose their control of the country.

Worse than that, from their point of view, the country will become an apartheid, dark, extreme religious state, with.
religious coercion, where individual freedoms will disappear, and especially their privileges and actual control over the country will disappear. They do not want to live in such a country, and are vocal about feeling the need to emigrate.

This rebellion is being funded by huge budgets – all to push a campaign that negates the legitimacy of an elected and legal government, a campaign being run with elites from the army and the security services transmitting a clear threat of a rebellion against the government, its authority and siding with the main center of power of the rebellion, the High Court and the Attorney General’s Office.

The goal of the rebellion is not really to topple the elected government, knowing that demographically that is already a lost battle. The goal of the rebellion is to paralyze the government, into submission, to stop it from ruling according to the will of its electorate. All while pushing through the completion of the Supreme Court’s actual takeover of state and government decisions. We are witnessing the rebel power elites actually working towards eliminating the essence and power of representative democracy, via actions of the Supreme Court and senior officer in all the security services.

With the renewed and tightened control of the Justice System, having usurped all powers from the executive and the legislative branches stopping them from implementing anything that goes against the value system of the elites in control, they intend to implement their plan. All in order to dilute the Jewish majority in the State of Israel by forming a coalition with Islamist and palestinian Arab nationalists, to then push forward accelerated immigration and accelerated settlement of hundreds of thousands of migrant workers, of palestinian Arabs via “family reunifications”, all in order to achieve their goal of diluting the Jewish majority in the Jewish state of Israel. Then, both from a demographic point of view and of total political power, they will have almost complete control over the country’s capital resources, which are at the disposal of the oiled machine that will be established, the oligarchy of the power elites headed by the High Court.

Their ultimate goal is the elimination of the state of the Jewish nation, the elimination of the Jewish and religious element of the the State of Israel. Instead, turning Israel into a state like any other state without a Jewish component, a kind of Singapore of the Middle East, disintegrating from its Jewish territorial assets, while at the same time allowing for the growth and establishment of a hostile Palestinian state.

The irony is, that if they would actually succeed in achieving their goal, they would be transforming the Jewish state of Israel into a non-Jewish, dictatorial, dark, corrupt state, without any effective personal protection or the ability to protect the citizens from the existential threats that will arise. In short, they would be creating a state with a free for all to murder Jews.

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