Despite the initial denials, even the Biden administration had to admit that the terror attack in New Orleans on News Years was an ISIS inspired Islamist attack.
Years of ignoring and hiding from a growing Jihadist presence in the United States has exploded as 2025 enters in. The massacre in New Orleans and the attempted attack on Trump’s hotel in Las Vegas should be a wake up call for Americans - October 7th can happen to them also.
The Jihad is not only meant for the Jews – it is by nature a force meant to wipe out all non-believers including Christians. America has suffered for years by a post modern outlook that looks at all cultures, ideologies, and religions as equal. Jihadism takes advantage of this weakness by exploiting the generosity of the host culture it finds itself in.
The New Years attack in New Orleans is only the first of a coming flood of these sorts of Islamic inspired attacks. With a porous border and weak leadership, Islamic fundamentalism will attempt to spread its evil across the USA. While Trump may be able to close the southern border, too many of these radicals may have gotten into the USA already. Complicating things is the fact that the terrorist was not an illegal, but rather a homegrown Islamist. How many of those are already working overtime to cause way more carnage than was done on New Years.
America must begin to take Islamist thought and action seriously and not relegate it to just a “Middle Eastern problem”. The problem has now reached America itself and if not dealt with harshly – it can take the USA down.