Israel’s national anthem like you have NEVER heard before!

by Chaya Cikk

This wonderful rendition of Israel’s national anthem is powerful. This song is known throughout the world by most Jews, it’s a song that brings Israeli’s together.

National Anthem – Hatikva

The word Hatikva means hope. Years ago we hoped that one day we would return to the land of Israel. That day came in 1948 when the State of Israel was founded. Jews were able to return to their homeland. All we yearn for now is the return of the Temple, in our holy city of Jerusalem.

Hatikva is the perfect combination of remembering our roots together with the hope we have for the future. A quote from the song goes “our hope is not yet lost, it is two thousand years old“. Our hope to return to the land of Israel has been with us since we were exiled, after the second Temple was destroyed, two thousand years ago. For the future, all we wish for is to be a free people in our homeland.

Above all, to many Israeli’s Hatikva is an emotional song. Likewise in many other countries, many citizens become emotional when their national anthem is played.

A fun fact: Hatikva did not become the official national anthem of Israel until 2004.

Being the national anthem Hatikva is played at many sporting events across the globe. When ever Israel wins a gold medal in the Olympics, Hatikva is played for the world to hear.


As long as within our hearts – כל עוד בלבב פנימה 
The Jewish soul sings, – נפש יהודי הומייה 
As long as forward to the East – ולפאתי מזרח קדימה 
To Zion, looks the eye – עין לציון צופיה. 
Our hope is not yet lost, – עוד לא אבדה תקוותינו 
It is two thousand years old, – התקווה בת שנות אלפיים 
To be a free people in our land – להיות עם חופשי בארצנו 
The land of Zion and Jerusalem. ארץ ציון וירושלים

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