Israelis are sick and tired of living with the constant rockets and fire balloons from Gaza. It has been over six months of Gaza terror. No country would put up with this constant terror, causing citizens to have to get used to a life of running for bomb shelters. It is inconceivable that Gaza still is allowed to terrorize Israel. Israelis do not understand why Israel continues to allow goods to travel freely to an enemy zone that persecutes its own people and uses the goods and aid to terrorize Israel instead of helping Gaza residents.
Palestinian Authority & Hamas Persecute their own People
The Palestinian Authority has been withholding money from Gaza in order to cause a crisis and have Gazans rebel against Hamas. Thanks to this withholding of money, not only have Gazans not received money to buy food, but Hamas “says” that they have no money to pay for gas and electricity.
However, Hamas has been paying millions of dollars for the terror offensive, offering cash rewards for protestors to storm the fences. Protestors who get injured get paid more, and the families of those who get killed get even more money!
While the world blames Israel for the humanitarian crisis and the injuries, it actually isn’t even Israel’s fault.
Instead, Israel is doing everything in its power to minimize the humanitarian crisis, allowing hundreds of trucks to enter Gaza each day with goods to help the Gazan people.
Israel cares more about the Gaza civilians than the Palestinian Authority and Hamas!
Israelis are Sick & Tired of the Terror
Israel is not militarily doing what is necessary to protect Israeli citizens. Why? Some experts say it is because Israel does not want to get involved in the fight between the Palestinian Authority and Hamas. Others also mention that Israel does not want to begin a military offensive in Gaza, instigated by Iran via funding of Hamas, that might cause Iran to start a full war from Lebanon in the North.
This complicated situation has led Israel to do the bare miminum militarily. Israel has not killed the Hamas leaders leading the terror wave against Israel. The IDF has also hardly even targeted the terrorists shooting the rockets or flying the terror balloons.
Israelis are sick of this situation. They think it is wrong that Israel has accepted this situation of terror, while continuing to transfer goods to the enemy territory of Gaza.
Today’s blocking of the Kerem Shalom crossing into Gaza is the first step of Southern residents putting their foot down and sending a message to the government.