Welcome to this Arab wedding in Northern Israel where they sing for terrorists who murder Jews. These are Israeli Arabs! Highly disturbing.
Israeli Arabs Sing for Their Heroes – TERRORISTS!
This is sickening. It would be disturbing even if it were in what is considered territory controlled by the Palestinian Authority. But the fact is, this is in Israel. These are Israeli Arabs, Israeli citizens. They live freely in Israel and enjoy freedoms and rights that they wouldn’t get other places. And yet, they sing about terrorists and attacking Israel.
And it’s at a wedding! This wedding is in Umm al-Fahm in Northern Israel. This is what these Arabs are doing at a place of celebration. They turned it into a place to praise terrorists.
Not all Israeli Arabs are bad. Some love Israel and appreciate the Jewish state and all it has to offer. The problem is that too many don’t. Too many are blinded by their hatred for the Jews. They don’t appreciate that they have opportunities in Israel. They don’t appreciate that Israel has made them citizens. If they don’t want to live in Israel, they can go live under the leadership of the Palestinian Authority or in one of the 22 Arab countries that exist in the world.