Israeli Arab Stuns Judges On Cooking Show

by Phil Schneider

There are many Israeli Arabs who are Zionistic. Yes – they are a minority, and they rick alienation within their communities. But they are a growing minority. We need to encourage them to continue to speak out. They need to be praised and turned into role models for their communities.

Proud Muslim Zionist from 12Tribe Films on Vimeo.

Sara Zoabi is a hero today. She is a smart, well-spoken Arab who understands that her life is great today – because of the State of Israel. Israeli Arabs could live as minorities in Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, or Egypt. Or they can choose to live in Israel. The choice is clear.

In Lebanon, they would face a civil war and probably be ostracized by the ruling parties for their religious beliefs. In Syria, they would probably be dead – from the ongoing civil war that has claimed the lives of hundreds of thousands of innocents. In Jordan, they would face a depressed economic situation, and in Saudi Arabia, they would be oppressed if they are Christian Arabs. In Egypt, the unpredictability would also make their lives difficult.

But in Israel, they can live freely and serve in the Israeli Police or Army. They can become full professionals and rise to the Israeli Supreme Court or to the highest positions in the medical industry. They are free to send their children to either Arab or Israeli public schools, and enjoy the best medical care of anyone in the entire Middle East. This is why the life expectancy of Arabs in the State of Israel is higher than anywhere in the Middle East. So, the likes of Sara Zoabi need to be lionized and praised in order to have more and more people mimic their strong stand against the winds of anti-Zionism among young Arabs today.

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