The Israeli ambassador to the UN has it so right. The whole world has been hit by Covid-19. And yet, the “Palestinian” leadership still chooses hate.
Israeli Ambassador Slams PA Rep
The Israeli ambassador to the UN, Danny Danon, called out the “Palestinian” representative for choosing antisemitism over working together to overcome an international crisis. The entire world is facing a crisis. Not just one country has been affected; not just one demographic. And yet, the “Palestinian” leadership still chooses antisemitism. Always. No matter what happens, they cannot put aside politics to choose life.
Can you imagine? People are dying worldwide. People are sick. Economies are crumbling. And the “Palestinian” leadership continues to spread hate and lies while taking the goods and services provided by Israel to help during this pandemic.
Israel has put aside politics to help fight the coronavirus. What has the “Palestinian” Authority done?
Is This How Peace is Made?
This always seems to be the case. No matter what happens in Israel and the world, the “Palestinian” leadership has never chosen to work together to overcome disasters. And this time, it is not just a crisis that has affected just Israel or just the “Palestinians.” The entire world is suffering in different ways. And the PA representative to the UN has once again used the opportunity to lie and spread antisemitism. How dare he do such a thing? Does this not make it clear what Israel’s “peace partner” truly feels and believes? How can anyone make peace with a leadership that fails to recognize the gravity of a pandemic like Covid-19? No, it is not about land. It is not about a “Palestinian” state. What it IS about is hate and antisemitism. It is about using any and every means to destroy the Jewish nation.
Covid-19 is trying to destroy the world. The “Palestinian” people are not shielded from the disease. But their leadership has chosen antisemitism over helping those affected.
What kind of leadership is that?