Israeli Air Force commander receives exceptional US military award

by Chaya Cikk

This is absolutely fantastic news for an Israeli Air Force commander. Here, he is receiving an exceptional US military award. How often does this happen? Well Done!

Israeli Air Force

The Israeli Air Force has been around since the State of Israel was established. They helped during the War of Independence, the 6-Day War in 1967, the Yom Kippur War and many other operations during Israel’s existence. Their aim, like the Army, is to protect and defend the land of Israel and all its citizens.

Additionally, with thanks to new technology, the Air Force has come along way since 1948. This helps the Air Force to continually build and improve to do a better job in the future. Today, the IAF is known to be one of the best Air Forces in the world. Israel’s enemies should beware, not an Air Force to mess with.

Being an Israeli Air Force Commander is no easy task. Training to be a pilot is hard work. Being the IAF Commander is the highest position to be held, you report directly to the IDF Chief of Staff. Today, the Commander of the IAF is Major General. Amikam Norkin.

American – Israel

American Israel relations have improved greatly since President Trump took office. America has always helped Israel from the start. It was the first country to recognize the State, back in 1948. They help Israel with financial aid and military aid. However, President Trump has taken it one step further. He moved the US embassy to Jerusalem, recognizing it as the eternal capital of Israel. Moreover, he also recognized Israel’s sovereignty over the Golan Heights.

Furthermore, this ceremony and the giving of this award just strengthens the relationship between the two countries. Finally, the relationship between Israel and America should continue to grow and go from strength to strength.

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