Israel Prepares To Attack Iran After Hardliner Becomes The New Iranian President

by Micha Gefen

The Biden Administration’s drive towards a new Iranian nuclear deal has now hit a wall after hardliner Ebrahaim Raisi has now been elected as Iran’s new president.

Israel has already announced that it is drawing up attack plans after Raisi’s win. Known also as the butcher of Tehran, Raisi is said to be responsible for more than 30,000 extrajudicial deaths. The win has come as a shock to Biden’s team, but also confirms that the Ayatollah has no plans of loosening his reign on the country.

Israel’s Foreign Ministry spokesman tweeted the following after Raisi’s win:

“An extremist figure, committed to Iran’s rapidly advancing military nuclear program, his election makes clear Iran’s true malign intentions, and should prompt grave concern among the international community.”

With Raisi’s win, the Biden team will have to rethink its strategy over the nuclear negotiations it was hoping to wrap up in short order. For Israel’s part, it now has for the first time since Biden took power, the ability to convince the administration that it is time to back off of negotiations and take a far more confrontational approach. After all, Jerusalem plans on attacking no matter what.

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