Arabs Riot and Throw Stones At Police On The Temple Mount

by Micha Gefen

In the same week that Naftali Bennet became Prime Minister there have been more than 20 fires set near Gaza by way of incendiary balloons as well as increased stonings and violence. So it is no surprise that Arabs have begin to riot on the Temple Mount after morning prayers.

Bennett’s coalition is so fragile that most do not expect it to last more than a few months. With both Meretz and Raam at logger heads over gay rights issues as well as Raam being at adds over government policy visa vi “settlements.”

Today’s riots are only the beginning of the linkage between Jerusalem’s Arabs and the interests of Hamas in Gaza. In a sense the previous skirmish was Hamas’ way of attempting a link and they got it.

Bennett cannot do too much when it come to things of national interest. He pledged to not work on anything controversial. However, it appears that many actors in the region and within the government itself are looking to take down the nascent coalition in hopes of permanently burying the Israeli right and creating chaos.

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