Check out what Israel does with desalination. It is extremely cool! You can always count on Israel to solve a problem.
Desalination Plant in Israel
It is amazing what Israel has accomplished in its short existence as a modern state. If you have a desalination plant like this one that Israel has, then you have drinking water even with so much seawater around! Israel works with what it has, which in this case, is seawater.
The world looks at Israel and believes lies. They believe that Israel is an evil state. But if you actually look at the Jewish state and everything that it does, it is far from evil. Israel creates, develops, and invents things that benefit the entire world. You really cannot deny that. It’s not a matter of opinion. These are just the facts.
How can people look at Israel and spread such lies? What have the Palestinian Arabs done for the world? Have they created desalination plants? Have they created drinking water from salty seawater?
It’s time people started paying attention to what Israel actually does. Is creating drinking water a crime? Is that what people who are oppressive do? It doesn’t take a genius to see the truth. Israel deserves more respect for all the good that it does. You can’t live without drinking water. And unlike its enemy, Israel most definitely values life.
For those who want to boycott the one and only Jewish state, do they really know what they are boycotting? They are foolish to boycott Israel.