Incredible Scene: What IDF Soldiers Do Before Going Out to War

by Leah Rosenberg

Do the IDF soldiers want to go out to war in Gaza? No. But if they have to, this is what they will do beforehand. Beyond remarkable.

IDF Soldiers Pray Before Battle

The difference between soldiers in the Israel Defense Forces and Hamas terrorists could not be more stark. IDF soldiers want to defend their people and fight only to create peace and protect the Jewish homeland. They don’t hope to kill as many innocent civilians as possible the way Hamas terrorists do. Israeli soldiers pray. They pray to G-d to protect them and give them success in destroying Hamas. They turn to the One and Only G-d knowing full well that He is the only one that can help them win.

The Jewish people don’t want to be in a war. The people of Israel love life – not death. War was forced upon Israel. If we have to fight, we will – and we will win. But our goal is not to kill and not to create more darkness in the world. Hamas’ goal is to kill. They want to bring more death into this world. They don’t want peace. They crave war and destruction.

How some of the world is still so blind to the truth is mind-blowing.

When you look at a video of Hamas terrorists with blood on their hands and with eyes set out to murder, and then you look at a video of IDF soldiers with prayers on their lips and hearts of gold, how can you even compare the two? How can the world ever say that the IDF soldiers are the terrorists and that Hamas terrorists are the innocent ones? Keep showing the world the truth about our soldiers who put their lives on the line so that the Jewish people can live safely in their homeland. Show the world the clear difference between good and evil.

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