Imam’s Priceless Comment About Ilhan Omar Will Leave You Stunned

by Leah Rosenberg

You might actually laugh at this. If you want to know the truth about Ilhan Omar, here it is. Spoken by a moderate and sane imam.

The Truth About Ilhan Omar

The truth about Ilhan Omar and her radical agenda is clear to those of us who live in this world and have our sanity. But some people are so blind to the truth, and it’s terrifying. Moderate Imam Mohammad Tawhidi said it as clearly as it can be said. Omar is “ISIS with lipstick.” Maybe making this connection in such a way will finally wake people up.

How someone like Omar is part of the US government is mind-boggling and disturbing. She hates America, hates Israel, and hates all of the values that Democratic countries stand for. Leftists don’t seem to care. They ignore the truth about her.

Another important point that Imam Tawhidi makes is that the Left and Islamic extremists have a very strong connection. Despite the fact that Islamic extremists don’t actually approve of all that the Left stands for, somehow the Left still supports them.

What will it take for the Left to wake up? Or do they really just not care supporting extremists? It’s truly insane…

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