Ilhan Omar hasn’t learned her lesson yet

by Leah Rosenberg

Ilhan Omar’s comments are never-ending. They are ridiculous, antisemitic, and just plain wrong. She spreads lies, and people need to call her out!

Ilhan Omar’s Comments

Ilhan Omar’s comments are absurd. She does not ever seem to learn her lesson. This time, she said that people use antisemitism as a weapon. Omar said, “There are those that are interested in weaponizing antisemitism to shut down debates on whatever they might not agree on…” Excuse me, Congresswoman Omar? Are you once again diminishing how much antisemitism is in this world? Are you once again ignoring the fact that YOU are a vicious antisemite? These types of comments do not help your case at all. They just show your true colors.

Comment After Comment

Obviously, this is not the only time Ilhan Omar has made an antisemitic comment. She has tweeted and spoken on the media saying the most horrific things. She compared Israel to Iran, she said Israel hypnotized the world, and more. Omar also referred to the 9/11 terrorist attacks as “some people did something,” completely belittling the tragedy. Not only is she an antisemite, but she is anti-American as well. Why is she still in Congress? Omar is not fulfilling her duty of representing the American people.

What is worse is that people are letting her get away with it. She has not learned her lesson yet because her party members and leaders will not and do not condemn her. And THAT is a major problem that must be fixed!

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