How to Resist the Return of Lockdowns and Mask Mandates

by Avi Abelow

As more and more headlines are scaring us about a return of a new variant, as institutions are returning to mask mandates, and rumors of lockdowns are beginning to be heard, it is important to hear how to best be prepared if all this nightmare reality returns.

Dr. Malone, co-inventor of the mRNA technology, gives two great pieces of advice:

  1. Use humour
  2. Do not give in to the absurd fear that is not grounded in facts

In terms of dealing with people who still don’t understand how they are being manipulated by fear, Dr. Malone advises to use empathy in helping them better understand what is going on, based on the facts of everything we already experienced that highlights the absurd notion of using the same tactics that were unsuccessful the first time around.

I was blessed to interview Dr. Malone back in December, 2022 about his whole position against the covid vaccines and on warning parents from giving the vaccine to children. Considering he was a co-inventor of the mRNA technology upon which both the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines were based, it is quite eye-opening to hear him admit that it doesn’t work. Click here to watch that interview.

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