Hezbollah Doesn’t Want You to See What Nasrallah Boasted About

by Leah Rosenberg

Hassan Nasrallah is no more. With G-d’s help, the IDF carried out a strike and successfully killed him. Some type of justice has been served.

Nasrallah Thought He Was Invincible

The leader of Hezbollah, one of one of the world’s most vicious terror organizations, was too confident. Hassan Nasrallah thought he couldn’t be defeated. He believed he would destroy the Jewish people.

But G-d is not on his side. G-d is on the side of the nation of Israel. He protects and defends the Jewish people – His nation. Did none of Israel’s enemies study history? Do they not know that the Jewish people have been around for thousands of years and have never been eradicated from the world? Some of the “greatest” and largest nations throughout time have tried to destroy the Jewish people. And have they succeeded? Clearly not. The people of Israel have lived through and survived some of the most horrific torture and persecution known to mankind. Nasrallah thought he was better and could outsmart G-d? Well, the joke’s on him…

Now he will no longer be able to think at all. The Jewish people thank G-d for helping them succeed in killing Nasrallah. The world should be thanking G-d and His messengers in Israel for taking out such a barbaric terrorist.

Israel will continue to fight and defeat its enemies, with the help of the One Above. We do not have the luxury to stop. We do not want war. But we must fight to protect ourselves. Am yisrael chai!

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